A Ship Ashore - Berrima Internment Camp (AFLOAT November 2024)
The Reinterrment of Matthew Flinders (AFLOAT August 2024)
The Otago-Joseph Conrad's Only Command (AFLOAT June 2024)
The Endeavour Wreck confirmation (AFLOAT January 2024)
The Vanished Port of Sydney (AFLOAT August 2023)
In the Wake of Matthew Flinders (AFLOAT June 2023)
Cooee - A Classic Kiwi Cutter of 1894 (AFLOAT January 2023)
Te Uira - A Boat from the Blue (AFLOAT November 2022)
Britannia (AFLOAT October 2022)
The Dream Ship (AFLOAT September 2022)
The Cruel Sea (AFLOAT August 2022)
Wyruna - the rebirth of a classic Walter reeks cutter (AFLOAT July 2022)
Daring Recovery (AFLOAT June 2022)
Leeuwin II (AFLOAT May 2022)
Toku Tai (AFLOAT April 2022)
Phil Heaney's Awaba (AFLOAT March 2022)
King Billie Pine (AFLOAT November 2021)
The Spirit of Individuality (AFLOAT July 2021)
America's Cup - Storm Clouds Gather (AFLOAT May 2021)
Enlightening the Dark Ages - The Sutton Hoo Ship (AFLOAT April 2021)
Luna Rossa - the red moon rises (AFLOAT March 2021)
Lift Off - America's Cup Racing becomes Airborne (AFLOAT February 2021)
- the final article marking the 250th anniversary of Captain James Cook's voyage northbound on the eastern coast of New Holland in 1770 (AFLOAT October 2020)
The Almost Fatal Shore - the fourth of five articles marking the 250th anniversary of Captain James Cook's voyage northbound on the eastern coast of New Holland in 1770 (AFLOAT September 2020)
Warra-Warra-Wai - the third of five articles marking the 250th anniversary of Captain James Cook's voyage northbound on the eastern coast of New Holland in 1770 (AFLOAT August 2020)
Demolishing the Myth of Terra Australis Incognita - the second of five articles marking the 250th anniversary of Captain James Cook's voyage northbound on the eastern coast of New Holland in 1770 (AFLOAT April 2020)
Little Bark, Big Endeavour - the first of five articles marking the 250th anniversary of Captain James Cook's voyage northbound on the eastern coast of New Holland in 1770 (AFLOAT March 2020)
Endeavour's Watery Grave (AFLOAT November 2018)
Preview of the Australian Wooden Boat Festival Hobart 2019 (AFLOAT January 2019)
Overview of the Australian Wooden Boat Festival Hobart 2019 (AFLOAT March 2019)
American Masterpieces - The Herreshoff Legacy (AFLOAT May 2019)
Britannia - The Centenary of a Sydney Harbour Icon (AFLOAT June 2019)
Bruce has also been a regular contributor to WoodenBoat Magazine (www.woodenboat.com) with articles on the restoration of many of the finest wooden boats from around the world. Please visit the WoodenBoat Magazine website where a search for STANNARD will identify the relevant back issues.
Photo Credit : Kraig Carlstrom
Maritime Heritage Press PO Box 133 Moss Vale NSW 2577 Australia